
jesus-christ 3 Canada is a professing Christian nation where 75 percent of Canadians consider themselves Christians..It may sound alarmist but one of the biggest fact that Christianity and Christians today are facing is the invasion of their churches by Jews who bring their ungodly values, false Judaic doctrines with them and they the Jews do often try to thrust them unto Christians. Christianity is a new religion and not an extension or a continuation of the old testament Judaism as Christians do solely follow the teachings of the New Testament as detailed by Jesus and the first Apostles. It should be noted that the largest settlements of Jews has occurred after world War II and has occurred in North America and in Israel mainly by Russian Jews. Do also note that the common reference to the Russian Mafia is solely consisting of Russian speaking Jews since no  Russian citizen has been allowed to immigrate out of Russia the last 100 years due to the prohibitive cost of a Russian exit visit. Do also see      the truth